Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the second smallest planet.The diameter of the mercury is 4879 km.It is the Solar system's hottest planet because it has hardly any air or atmosphere.The surface is not protected from the sun's rays and daytime temperatures rise to 467°C.When night falls, there is little atmosphere to trap the Sun's heat and temperatures fall to about -170°C.Mercury's lack of atmosphere also means than its surface has been comets and meteors. Mercury  is so close to the Sun that we can't spot it, except during twilight. Mercury orbits (travels around) the Sun once in 88 days and is the Solar System's fastest mover, speeding at 50 km/second. No wonder it is named after the swift Roman "messenger" god. It has a rocky outer crust, a mantle beneath the crust, and an iron core.Mercury and Venus neither planet has any moon, or water. 

Mercury's blast: Around 4 billion years ago, an asteroid 100 km wide tore into Mercury's surface, creating the Caloris Basin, which is 1300 km across.
